One of the saddest lines in scripture, in my opinion, falls to Samson after telling Delilah his secret. “But Samson did not know that the Lord had left him.”(Judges 16:20) I always ponder what life would be without the overwhelming and fantastic Presence of God.

The sweetest and most soothing words spoken by God, through His son, Jesus: “I will be with you until the end of the age.”(Matt. 28:20) We ought to wake up every morning with a new sense of resolve. The question is, how do we maintain this relationship that surpasses all? Here are three ways:

  1. Prayer

I know we mention the importance of prayer and how we should always pray. Scripture emphasizes that we ought to pray, at all times, without ceasing. However, I wish to dwell on a straightforward aspect of prayer that entails us soaking and dwelling in God’s presence. When was the last time you spent time in prayer, without mentioning your needs to God? You just wished to spend time in Him?

  1. Worship

Another way of drawing nearer to God is through worship. Worship is more than our favorite song. One of the best song lines that I love is: “I’ll bring you more than a song, because it is all about you, Jesus.” Worship involves giving ourselves as living sacrifices unto God. (Rom.12:1) God wants a relationship with us as individuals, not with our works. In worship, the self dies, as we focus on who God is, in his sovereignty.

  1. The Word

We can never separate God from His word. It is the best way of getting to know Him better, which enables our love for him to grow. Through the word, God’s nature is revealed to us. God revealed himself to Moses as compassionate, slow to anger, rich in love and full of mercy. This nature was spoken of by Jonah too. He said that he did not want to go to Nineveh because he knew this nature of God. Interesting, right?

These three ways help are helpful as we look to grow in the knowledge of God, and draw near to Him. He is near to those who seek Him. I can assure you, there are places that when we walk with God, everything else around us will be impacted supernaturally.

