Books on positivity  can help you think positive and can truly change one’s life. I still remember what our pastor preached in our church that thoughts can heal thought. Yes, positive thinking can be learned through reading of books and applying principles written to it. It will surely make you an optimistic or positive individual.

I also included books that really help me during my tough times. Positive mind creates a positive and optimistic way of living. Mind being the most powerful tool in our lives is very essential for our wellness in spiritual, mental, and physical.

There are enormous books out there, but I only include books that I read and books that is popularized of the internet. You can click the photo if you want to buy it through Amazon, this will also help me to sustain this blog to give you great ideas about life, money, and business.

If you are using a smartphone, I advised you to buy the Kindle version. It is not only handy where you will carry it most of the time but also you will save space for your shelf or cabinet. Even if you lost your phone, you can still sync it.

Here are our Top 10 Books on Positivity that possibly change the you think and behave.

1.) Bible – Bible is the proven book you can read to change the way you act, think, and behave. It is the book of books. Majority of books such as The Secret, The Science of Getting Rich and Think and Grow Rich came some of the insights, knowledge and wisdom from the Bible. If you haven’t read it, try sometime. It helps me during times that I am having trouble of getting sleep. It is awesome and perfect to cultivate deep sleep!

2.) The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale. This book is a Faith-Based book. It may sound Christian book but most of the stories of the book also sighted healing for Non-Christian patient of Dr. Peale. Optimistic view of life, having faith to yourself and to God are the things you can learn on this book.

“Millions of people have taken Peale’s teachings as their own simple and effective philosophy of living.  The Power of Positive Thinking is a practical, direct-action application of techniques to overcome defeat and win confidence, success and joy.”

3.) The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. If you are more into Law of Attraction, this book is very ideal for you. The book also used by many well-known leaders. Some of the stories here also focuses on Faith like Ask, Believe and Receive which is biblical. This book is fantastic.

4.) The Power by Rhonda Byrne. It stated on the book that it shows the way to an amazing life. There is so much for you to know about life, and it is all good. In fact, it is beyond good. It is phenomenal. She added, life is so much easier than you think it is, and as you come to understand the way life works, and “The Power” you have inside you, you will experience the magic life in its fullness – an then you will have an amazing life.

5.) Unafraid by Gracie Malone. Unafraid is 365 days without fear daily devotional. The book imparts faith also based on Bible verses. The book cover says, “God does not want us to live in the grip of fear. But overwhelming concerns about our children, difficulties in the workplace or home, health issues, or financial difficulties sometimes result in our being enslaved by this common felt emotion.”

“Fear can indeed control our life, but that doesn’t have to happen. There are over four hundred instances in the Bible telling us that we don’t need to be afraid. It is to these imperatives that UNAFRAID brings light, a touch of humor, descriptive stories, quotes, questions, and practical help in enabling you to cast out your fears, anxieties and apprehensions so that you can rest in the Father’s loving presence.”

“You were made for more than life of fear. Learn to place your trust in God and begin to live unafraid”.

6.) Live the Let – Go Life by Joseph Prince. This book gave sense of peace of my past traumas and heartaches. It also builds faith to our God. I recommend this book if you want to have quietness and peace with God and with yourself.

This is how the back cover goes.

“Are you Overwhelmed by Stress, Worry and Anxiety?”

“Unending daily to-do lists. The frantic pace of modern living. The race to stay relevant in the face of disruption. The very real threat of superbugs and terror in our everyday lives… It’s not hard to see why so many people today are experiencing stress, worry, and anxiety attacks.” … “In the Live the Let-Go Life, Joseph Prince shows you how to beat stress and anxieties that come with the everyday demands and pressures of modern living. Discover how you were not designed by God to live under stress and see His grace flow unabated in the worry-free areas of your life.”

7.) God is my CEO (2nd Edition) by Larry Julian. God is my CEO, 2nd Edition will inspire you to become a game-changer in the business world as you continue on your path as a leader.

The back-cover states, “This new edition explores the ten most common issues facing the businesspeople today and applies God’s principles to these dilemmas. You will learn that leading by Faith isn’t just about feeling goo – it’s about building employee morale, increasing productivity, and fostering customer loyalty. In addition, the brand-new section Timeless Wisdom from Twenty Leaders provides insight and encouragement from top members of the business world, including Marc Belton of General Mills, Rich Stearns of World Vision U.S., and Ken Blanchard, author of “The One Minute Manager”.

8.) The Magic of Thinking Big by David J. Schwartz. “The magic of Thinking Big gives you workable methods, not empty promises. Its ideas and techniques are so original that the author had to invent a whole new vocabulary to express them. Dr. Schwartz presents a planned programme for living on a big scale – in one’s job, marriage and family life and in social and cultural activities. He proves that you need not to have a great intellect or great talent to be a giant among them; but you do need the habit thinking and acting in a manner which brings success- and this book gives you those secrets!”

9.) The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Dr. Joseph Murphy. This book helped millions achieve remarkable goals simply by changing the way they think. As it is inspiring, Dr. Murphy’s work demonstrates with real-life examples the way to unleash extraordinary mental powers to build self-confidence, create harmonious relationships, gain professional success, amass wealth, conquer fears and phobias, banish bad habits, and even to effect physical healing and promote overall well-being and happiness.

10.) Limitless: A Devotion for a Ridiculously Good Life by Nick Vujicic. The author himself helped a lot of people to be motivated in life. He is well known as a man with no legs and arms. Below is the back-cover message.

“Nick Vujicic knows there is no greater hope than trusting in God’s plan for your life. Born without arms or legs. Nick experienced both the peak of hope and the depth of despair. But he has overcome his circumstances and physical limitations by embracing his faith and understanding the limitless love and power God has for every person.”

“Now he wants you to experience that same assurance of hope. In these fifty inspirational devotions. Nick shares his most compelling hard-earned wisdom to help you face obstacles with confidence and courage. Whether you struggle with Faith, relationships, career challenges, anger, health concerns, self-esteem, finding balance, or doubt in your dreams, Nick’s biblical encouragement and positive attitude will transform your life and show how you can overcome limitations because GOD is limitless.”

Which of the these ten is your favorite? Or do you have your favorite book not stated above. Please comment us below.

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