It takes time for me before I accept some principles in “The Secret”. But actually, when I go deeper on that book, it is biblical. The philosophy of “Ask, Believe, Receive” is under the Bible verse, Matthew 7:7-8, 7“Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:  8For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seekethfindeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.”

Another Bible verse that I am holding is Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”.

Aside from reading the Bible daily, I also read “The Secret” from time to time. This is to remind me of thinking the right way to achieve my goals in life in a more optimistic way of living.

Your life is in your hands. God gave the free will for you to choose the life you want to achieve. God will guide you on the right path but still you are the one who will choose.

“The Secret” changes lives of many people around the world. The author imparted that it’s the Law of Attraction; it is love.

When I seek God, I seek God’s inner core which is love. If your religion is more on criticism, comparison, laws, and human doctrine, I think you need to change the church. Your religion or your church should give emphasis on God’s throne that is loving and imparting good thing to His creations.

What caught my attention in the book is “The Focus on Prosperity”. It stated on the book this phrase, “You are now coming to understand that there is abundance for you, and it is not your job to work out “how” the money will come to you. It is your job to ask, to believe you are receiving, and feel happy now. Leave the details to the Universe on how it will bring it about”.

Instead of Universe, I change it with God because that is what I believed. God created the Universe and He is more powerful than anyone else. Aside from being powerful God is beyond any human experience and beyond any imagination.

So if you want to be more positive and more optimistic, you need to turn off your television, read the Bible and you may also consider “The Secret” book.

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