In this article, I will teach you how to reach your first 4,000 watch hours on Youtube in a faster way.
I know how frustrating it is to reach 4000 watch hours on Youtube because I was there. I became impatient (and learn patience) but I am determined to succeed.
It takes time for me to reach my first 4000 watch hours. In my own experience I will share to you below how you can achieve it in a fast way. My learnings and how I explore Youtube are my fundamentals to achieve that goal.
Achieving 4K watch hours is possible. It took me 9 months before I achieved it. I believe if you will follow the methods below, you can have your watch hours grow in a fast way.
1.) Give Value to Others – When you started your channel your primary intention should be giving value to others. It can be entertaining or informative.
Entertaining meaning your content is more on giving your talents in singing or maybe dancing, making other people laugh, having pranks, social experiment, etc. While informative like mine is giving tutorials, teaching the KNOW HOW TO, or giving them inspirations and motivations.
It will be apt to you how you can give value to your audience.
The more value you give the more your content and yourself became valuable.
2.) No to Sub to Sub – Do not engage in sub-to-sub scheme. This will give you a very hard journey in Youtube. You will be having hard time to give the right content to your real audience.
The reason why your subscriber subscribed to your channel is because of your content. They are interested to you and they are hooked to the content of your channel. Meaning your audience love you!
If that so, having a real audience can help you to sustain your Youtube channel career if you want to become a professional Youtuber.
3.) Create a Searchable Content – Youtube is created by Google. Google is a tech giant and known as the number one search engine in the world. Meaning, the more people search your content, the more traffic and views you have.
On my end, when I created the video on how to pay PhilHealth using GCash, Youtube suggested my video very fast and as of writing this article, it has a 79K views that helped me to gain my first 4K watch hours on Youtube.
4.) Be Pioneer – Make your content unique like some well-known vlogger who are creating millions of dollars over the internet such as Mr Beast and Nas Daily. You need to be pioneer in creating a video.
On my end, I think of some tutorials that I became the first one who created it like Paying PhilHealth Using GCash and Paying Cignal using GCash. When I created it, it becomes the number one video when you search on Youtube. That is the power of SEO (Search Engine Optimization).
5.) Be More Interesting – The more your stories and content interesting, the more time your viewers will watch your video.
Because I am not famous, the only way for me to win is to create an informative content. With informative content, viewers will surely listen to you and finish your video. This will surely give you the best result in attaining your 4K watch hours on Youtube.
6.) Love What You Are Doing – For me, creating videos on Youtube creates happiness to me. I can put magic on editing videos which I really enjoy much. I love helping people and giving the best video for them. In return, they subscribed to my channel. I am not fully monetized yet on my channel but I am on way to monetization. Possibly it will be at the end of March 2022 because I got almost 700 subscribers as of writing this article.
7.) Share – This is vital if you are a new content creator. You need to promote freely in all social media accounts you have such as Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook. The more you share, the better! You are helping your channel to be recognized by your friends and other people online at the same time you are helping Youtube Algorithm to suggest your videos. With that, all your handwork will be paid off.
With all the methods I mentioned above, success to reach your 4000 watch hours will be a reality to you.
Just enjoy your journey, have some fun and for sure there will be more fruits of your labor. I believe you can be one of the best Youtuber in your country or perhaps one of the most famous.
I hope this article helps you. You can ask questions below if you want to know more on Youtube. Hope you can visit my Youtube channel also and please subscribe by clicking HERE.