March 28, 2022 when I reached my 1000 subscribers. I got my first 4000 watch hours easier than getting subscribers.

To be able for you to make your channel earn money from ads, YouTube Partner Program requirements are 1000 subscribers and 4000 watch hours.

After I reached my 1000 subscribers, it took me two days before I see ads on my videos.

On the first day that I got 1000 subscribers, I joined the YPP immediately. After that I linked it to my Google AdSense that I used using this website. It took me hours before Google linked my AdSense account.  

Automatically, the review for my channel has been done the following day. It was 4:30 am. I enabled the monetization as soon as I saw that my channel has been done with the review. Basically, the process is just one day but because there is a delay on my ads to appear, it becomes two days.

After I turned ON the monetization on my videos, ads are not yet appearing on my YouTube channel. So, I did the following:

1.) Go to YouTube Studio

2.) Go to Content

3.) Select Send Feedback. Send feedback form will appear.

4.) Click, “Click to highlight or hide info”.

5.) Click Highlight Issues. Then highlight Monetization, then DONE.

6.) On the text box, I enter this message, “Dear YouTube Team, please put ads on my YouTube videos. All of my videos under monetization are all green. Hope to make all Ads visible to my channel ASAP. Best regards, Cool Dudz”.

After I sent the feedback, the following morning. I saw ads on my videos. To make it sure that the process is working, I asked my friends living in Singapore and in other places of the Philippines to watch my videos and check if there are ads already. Voila! It works fine.

You can visit my YouTube channel by clicking HERE.

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