One of the biggest personal changes I made to improve my health and well being was to start drinking more water. In my diet, water has replaced by soda, my second, third and fourth cup of coffee and often any snacks I might have wanted. Of course, I still have a coffee in the morning and I will drink a glass of coca cola when I go out for a meal. However, the benefits of drinking water cannot be understated.

Often you wake feeling tired, slog through the day struggling to keep your eyes open. So you buy an energy drink in order to get that much needed boost. Not only is that energy drink bad for you in so many other ways, water actually gives you an energy boost, as even 2% dehydration in your body can affect your energy level. All of this without bringing in harmful additives and, I’m not sure where you live, but water tends to be cheaper than any other option. Feel better and save money at the same time, win win.

Another benefit I personally enjoy wen drinking water is a boosted immune system. Regular migraines and colds plagued me only a few years ago. After I started to drink more water and less of everything else, I felt my health improve over time and fell ill far less. Particularly any illnesses which are brought on by dehydration.

As if you didn’t need another reason to drink water, check this, water actually helps you to lose weight. As an appetite suppressant, water makes you feel fuller and less likely to over eat or snack. Which of course over time will help your body to not only feel better but to lose weight. If that wasn’t enough of a quick fix for you, water raises your metabolism and helps your body to burn fat faster. So on top of making you feel better and more likely to exercise and be active, drinking water will literally help you to lose weight.

One top tip, I have learned is adding lemon to your water, on top of tasting better and feeling more like a sweet treat, lemon water actually helps with indigestion. Something which I used to suffer from.

Now, you’re probably into the idea of drinking more water at this point, but, how much should you drink per day? In United Kingdom (UK) the NHS (National Health Service) suggests 1-2 liters of water a day which equates to around six to eight glasses. This will vary depending upon the weather, the activities you undergo and how busy you may or may not be. But it’s definitely a reachable target and will make you feel better, raise your health and well being. In fact, I’ll go and pour myself a glass now. How about you?

Comment us what are the added benefits of drinking water for you. Kindly share this article, like us in Facebook and Follow us in Instagram (@betterandfree).

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