The fundamentals or basic structure of a blog should be considered when you are just a newbie in blogging business or blogging industry. Blogs should be customizable, and every blogger has his own way on how to make his blog more conveying and well presented to his audience. To meet the expectations from the readers/followers we have provided you the fundamental parts of a blog. This will prepare you what are the pages you need to include, how you will organize the parts, and what are the necessary tools you need.

1.) Blog Name. Blogsite name will give you the insight of what is your blog about. If it is for personalbranding, you use your name like If it is for cooking you can use or any domain name that will portray your blog. We suggest to use Google keyword planner to create the best name. It will give you best insight of how many people are searching for that specific topic. Remember that our purpose as a blogger is to solve problems and educate people based on their needs. So always focus on your blog

2.) Blog Logo.Logo is an important part of your blog. This will be your badge that will determine your branding. If you are a graphic artist, you can create and sketch the logo you want. If not, you can consider asking other people who are good in fine arts or in graphic design. You can also try to outsource via freelance sites such as Fiverr, Upwork, Freelance etc. Or if you know and trust someone who are expert in logo design then go for it.

Our logo here has been designed by a student. We outsource his service as part of helping him to help his education. If you want him to design your logo you can contact us for details. We paid him $20.00 with unlimited changes based on our desired colors and image.

3.) Header.Your header should include your logo and tag line. Your tagline will be your objective guide for your readers and followers. It should be clear. Some bloggers put advertisements on their header.

4.) Blog Pages.Blog pages are essential part of a blog. It gives your audience or visitors to know more about your products or services you offered. The fundamentals should be observed as part of your identity online.

  1. About Page.Simply state who you are and what is your mission/vision or objective. You can also state how you started this blog or you can introduce yourself.
  2. Home Page.This is the home index page or default page where when someone type your domain on the browser address bar, you will see the main page.
  3. Contact Page.This is the page where you will put your email address and phone number(s) if someone wants to ask you.
  4. It is important to put a disclaimer on your content because in some other way around there would be some errors and inaccuracy in our works so it is  better to include on this page. This will protect you against any form of claims.
  5. Privacy Policy.We care for all the users. That is the reason why we need to have a privacy policy. If you have readers from Europe you need to include the recent GDPR Policy. Be detailed on this. If you intend to use WordPress, they have tools to generate the Privacy Policy.
  6. Terms of Use.This page will determine how your users will use your web site. Make a detailed instructions how to use your sites and also put a link to your Privacy Policy.

5.) Blog Posts.This is the main part of your blog where you post all the articles intended for your readers. You need to maintain accuracy, rich content, updated information to your users.

6.) Blog Comments.It is where your readers post their comment(s) and opinion. They might agree with you or against you. Be focus on your goal and be positive with them. You will be learning from them as well.

7.) Images. You need images and infographics to make it more meaningful. This will convey your audience to a richer content of your blog post.

8.) Blog footer. Blog footer is commonly used for subscription, logo, pages such us About, Privacy Policy, Terms of Use, etc. The pages we put are Terms of Use, Privacy Policy and Disclaimer.

9.) Sidebar. Normally what we put on sidebars are advertisement, Categories, Recent Post, Popular Post, Archives, Social Media icons etc.

10.) Blog Categories. Blog Categories are included already on the tools you will use in your blog. It makes your blog more organized based on the topic you post.

11.) Popular Post.This are most read articles or blog posts. By default it is also included on your platform.

There many other parts of the a blog that are not mentioned above. Basically we included the most important especially the Disclaimer, Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. Those are a must have as part of our commitment for all internet users and all the government sectors worldwide. Those information are part also of Computer Ethical Standards worldwide.

If you have any questions or queries just email us and we are willing to help you.

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