We all want to grow and be inspired in our day to day lives. Sayings about life are the things that help and inspire us and to keep our life in good momentum.
Here are the 101 Sayings about life, life quotes, and life proverbs that will help us to endure in this life. Some of the life sayings here are from well-known successful individuals around the world who are alive and create an impact in humanity. Others are no longer alive but their sayings still give impact to our society of today.
1.) “…Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength… You shall love your neighbour as yourself.” – Jesus Christ (Mark 12:30-31 NKJV)
2.) “Don’t compare yourself with anyone in this world…if you do so, you are insulting yourself.” – Bill Gates
3.) “If you are born poor it’s not your mistake, but if you die poor it’s your mistake.” – Bill Gates
4.) “Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.” – Mother Theresa
5.) “If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one.” – Mother Theresa
6.) “People who are right most of the time are people who change their minds often.” – Jeff Bezos
7.) “A company shouldn’t get addicted to being shiny, because shiny doesn’t last.” – Jeff Bezos
8.) “Never invest in a business you cannot understand.” – Warren Buffet
9.) “Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.” – Warren Buffet
10.) “If you deeply appreciate and love what creative people do and how they think, which is usually in unpredictable and irrational ways, then you can start to understand them. And finally, you can see inside their minds and DNA.” – Bernard Arnault
11.) “I like that combination between creativity and the creative process and the organization needed to make a business like this successful worldwide.” – Bernard Arnault
12.) “With three work days a week, we would have more time to relax; for quality of life.” – Carlos Slim Helu
13.) “The biggest things in life are not materials.” – Carlos Slim Helu
14.) “When we face our problems, they disappear. So learn from failure and let success be the silent incentive.” – Carlos Slim Helu
15.) “You must appear three times in the newspapers: when you are born, when you get married, and when you die.”– Amancio Ortega
16.) “The success of your business is based in principle on the idea of offering the latest fashions at low prices, in turn creating a formula for cutting costs: an integrated business in which it is manufactured, distributed and sold”– Amancio Ortega
17.) “I have had all of the disadvantages required for success.” – Larry Ellison
18.) “Great achievers are driven, not so much by the pursuit of success but by the fear of failure.” – Larry Ellison
20.) “Helping a billion people connect is amazing, humbling and by fare the thing I am most proud of in my life.” – Mark Zuckerberg
21.) “In terms of doing work and in terms of learning and evolving as a person, you just grow more when you get people’s perspectives. I really try and live the mission of the company and keep everything else in my life extremely simple.” – Mark Zuckerberg
22.) “If you really believe that you’re making a difference and that you can leave a legacy of better schools and jobs and safer streets, why would you not spend the money? The objective is to improve the schools, bring down crime, build affordable housing, clean the streets – not to have a fair fight.” – Michael Bloomberg
23.) “Every one of my positions cuts out half the country. I’m pro-choice, I’m pro-gay rights, I’m pro-immigration, I’m against guns, I believe in Darwin.” – Michael Bloomberg
24.) “Basically, our goal is to organize the world’s information and to make it universally accessible and useful.” – Larry Page
25.) “If you have a product that’s really gaining a lot of usage, then it’s probably a good idea.” – Larry Page
26.) “Success is one of the worst enemies of success, because success tends to breed complacency and lack of humility.” – Charles Koch
27.) “I like to think that I try to learn something every day – and change my views, modify my views as I learn. “– Charles Koch
28.) “Relationships and trust. This is the bedrock of life.” – Mukesh Ambani
29.) “I think that our fundamental belief is that for us growth is a way of life and we have to grow at all times.”– Mukesh Ambani
30.) “If we were in a similar circumstance in the future I would want to make sure that our reporting was at least as diverse as it was during this most recent war.” — Jim Walton
31.) “Technology has saved us money in some circumstances, but it has really afforded us the ability to cover stories from locations we might not have been able to in the past.”— Jim Walton
32.) “You need to have extraordinary wisdom to be the forerunner.” – Ma Huateng
33.) “Ideas are not important in China – execution is” – Ma Huateng
34.) “Help young people. Help small guys. Because small guys will be big. Young people will have the seeds you bury in their minds, and when they grow up, they will change the world.” – Jack Ma
35.) “I believe in two principles: Your attitude is more important than your capabilities. Similarly, your decision is more important than your capabilities!” – Jack Ma
36.) “It doesn’t make sense to hire smart people and tell them what to do; we hire smart people so they can tell us what to do.” – Steve Jobs
37.) “Great things in business are never done by one person, they’re done by a team of people.” – Steve Jobs
38.) “Failure is an option here. If things are not failing, you are not innovating enough.” – Elon Musk
39.) “When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor.” – Elon Musk
40.) “If you create something that makes a difference in people’s lives, you are likely to become a business success as well” – Richard Branson