Here are the 101 Sayings about life part 2.
41.) “Do not be embarrassed by your failures, learn from them and start again.” – Richard Branson
42.) “Listen more than you talk. Nobody learned anything by hearing themselves speak.” – Richard Branson
43.) “With three work days a week, we would have more time to relax; for quality of life.” – Carlos Slim
44.) “Competition makes you better, always, always makes you better, even if the competitor wins.” – Carlos Slim
45.) “When we invest in women and girls, we are investing in the people who invest in everyone else.” – Melinda Gates
46.) “A woman with a voice is by definition a strong woman. But the search to find that voice can be remarkably difficult.” – Melinda Gates
47.) “You look at things you enjoy in your life, but much more important is what you can do to make the world a better place.” – Paul Allen
48.) “Any crusade requires optimism and the ambition to aim high.” – Paul Allen
49.) “Always try to learn from other people’s mistakes, not your own- it is much cheaper that way!” – Donald Trump
50.) “I think I’ve gotten and developed tremendous relationships throughout the world with the leaders.” – Donald Trump
51.) “I think I’ve gotten and developed tremendous relationships throughout the world with the leaders.” – Donald Trump
52.) “The size of your success is measured by the strength of your desire; the size of your dream; and how you handle disappointment along the way.” – Robert Kiyosaki
53.) “If you realize that you’re the problem, then you can change yourself, learn something and grow wiser. Don’t blame other people for your problems.” – Robert Kiyosaki
54.) “Life is like a camera. Focus on what’s important. Capture the good times. And if things don’t work out, just take another shot.” – Ziad K. Abdelnour
55.) “Weak people revenge. Strong people forgive. Intelligent People Ignore.” – Albert Einstein
56.) “Don’t listen to the person who has the answers; listen to the person who has the questions.” – Albert Einstein
57.) “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” – Thomas A. Edison
58.) “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” – Thomas A. Edison
59.) “Not everything I do is purely for money. Of course, as a businessman and as head of publicly listed companies, we have to earn, but at this point in my life, there are other considerations more important besides just money.” – Henry Sy
60.) “I never imagined attaining big success. Whatever I have achieved did not happen overnight; ever since my teen years I have devoted many, many years of my life to non-stop studying, diligent work, and dreaming of a better future.” – Henry Sy
61.) “Success is not necessarily about connections, or cutting corners, or chamba – the three Cs of bad business. Call it trite, but believe me: success can be achieved through hard work, frugality, integrity, responsiveness to change, and most of all, boldness to dream.” – John Gokongwei
62.) “I chose to live my life unafraid even during times when I WAS afraid. I discovered that opportunities don’t find you; you find your opportunities.” – John Gokongwei
63.) “You have to love your work. You have to save money instead of spending all of it. Look for areas you can compete in. Work damn hard. Most importantly, you have to love it.” – John Gokongwei
64.) “Competition must be replaced by cooperation.” – Lucio Tan
65.) “I am old. My wish now is for an easy, easy life.” – Lucio Tan
66.) “In starting a business, money is the least of your problems.” – Francisco Colayco
67.) “There are some young guys now in Divisoria, Binondo and in 30 or 40 years some of them will become very big. The reason is because they will work very hard. But everyone has a chance. Every big guy started off small.” – John Gokongwei, Jr.
68.) “I believe a truly successful man is he who has devoted his life to serving society. As a businessman, I believe you can serve society best by creating jobs for as many people as you can and giving them a chance to lead better lives.” – Andrew Tan
69.) “Dreams are free so why limit what you are aspiring for? But dreaming is not enough. One needs to put in enough energy and input.” – Tony Tan-Caktiong
70.) I think it is our innovative and quality content. If the programs are not worth watching, viewers will simply change channels or turn the TV off. “ – Felipe Gozon
71.) “We place great value on innovation. We must be able to keep the audience interested by offering something fresh every time—whether it is an innovation to a format or a story not yet tackled in a soap opera or a fresh casting combination.” – Felipe Gozon
72.)“Identify your problems, but give your power and energy to solutions.” – Tony Robbins
73.) “It’s what you practice in private that you will be rewarded for in public.” – Tony Robbins
74.) “Every problem is a gift–without problems we would not grow.” – Tony Robbins
75.) “Choosing to be positive and having a grateful attitude is going to determine how you’re going to live your life.” – Joel Osteen
76.) “I believe if you keep your faith, you keep your trust, you keep the right attitude, if you’re grateful, you’ll see God open up new doors.” – Joel Osteen
77.) It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all – in which case, you fail by default. – J.K. Rowling
- “As is a tale, so is life: not how long it is, but how good it is, is what matters.” – J.K. Rowling
79.) “Doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment”― Oprah Winfrey
80.) “When you undervalue what you do, the world will undervalue who you are.”― Oprah Winfrey