As Christians, we are called to be courageous. Boldness is an attribute that we all desire to have. Wise men said that fortune favors the bold. In our workplaces, schools or homes, we all wish to be known for commendable attributes such as courage, kindness, and any other suitable quality.

How do we walk in courage? What qualities does a courageous person have? Come along as we look at the life of a courageous Christian from two perspectives.

1. Courage is not the absence of fear

As paradoxical as this may sound, it is very accurate. Anxiety may develop even in circumstances where we have to muster our strength and courage. You may be required to give an impromptu speech in front of people, and right after you finish, you realize that your hands are shaking intensely. It has happened to me before.

Jesus knew his purpose on earth was to die for our sins. However, he was still battling from within because his human will did not want to do what the spirit was supposed to do. In Gethsemane, he soaked in prayer as his sweat turned to blood. He prayed to God to take away his cup of suffering and also let his will be done.

In the background, Jesus was fighting a battle that would determine his next move. He won the battle because of the strength that God accorded him. We would not know courage if we did not know fear. Just ask any of the heroes of faith in scripture. Gideon was so fearful and timid, yet God called him a mighty man of valor.

Do you wish to be a courageous Christian? Identify your fear and face it!

2. Fear is not of God

The Bible talks about boldness and courage. We have not been encouraged to walk in fear, except the fear of God, which is reverence and awe of God. Once we became Christians, we were set free from fear. Let us see what scripture says:

“For we have not been given a spirit of fear: But of Power, Love and Sound Mind.” (2 Tim. 1:7)

“The Lord is my light and salvation – whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life – Of whom shall I be afraid of?” (Psa. 27:1)

What is that which makes you fearful? Which phobia takes the better of you? It is time to face it and remind yourself of who you are in God. During that dreadful circumstance, God is there. Muster the courage to stand and face that situation with boldness.

A daily reminder: “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. For You are with me.” (Psalm 23:4)

In witnessing, in your job or school, and even at home. Everywhere you go, walk in courage.

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