I have watched Vice Ganda’s Youtube channel entitled, “Dra. Belo House Raid: DIRTY SECRETS Reveal” and found out Vicky Belo’s secret success on her business.

Her dreams when she was starting her business is to make people feel beautiful and loved, which led her to pursue a degree in dermatology. She experienced being bullied also, that made her on top of what service she is offering now.

Actually I have featured a lot of successful Filipinos on this blog and this is my first time to feature a woman. I was hooked with the words of wisdom from Dra. Vicky Belo. If you are not a Filipino, we used to say “Dra.” for a female doctors in the Philippines.

During the interview, I saw how Belo is a spiritual person. She says, “Thank you God”. It imparts to us the attitude of being grateful; a sense of gratitude

Vice asked Dr. Belo a question of what is the reason why she is still working for.

Our favorite skin doctor of many of Filipino celebrity directly said that she is happy for herself by helping other people happy. It gives her happiness when others are happy.

Here is the exact statement on the last part of the video.

“For me! Kase I get so happy for other people. Di ba what makes me happy is like you. You are happy when you make other people happy… So, I only know how to make other people beautiful. When they are grateful, feeling confident, and they feel more beautiful, I am so happy. … Di na masyadong pera.”

Belo also added that when she is on the clinic even if the client does not have budget, she just did what she really wants to do.

On the other hand, Vice Ganda said, that Belo is so generous. She is supportive all out to him.

You may consider watching the full video of Vice Ganda’s Vicky Belo house raid below.
