One thing that I constantly see people struggle with is letting go. Whether it be of the past experiences, their issues in their lives such relationships, anger or pain. By keeping hold of these things you only prevent yourself from moving on and developing as a person. In order to truly live your life you cannot be constantly under the influence of something that is holding you back and causing you pain.

The past is something which you can never change. No amount of day dreaming, reminiscing or praying will allow you to go back in time and change events. Yet this is one of the main things that hold people back from living in the present. I have found that whilst it is impossible to change the past, there are years and years of lessons there to learn from. By letting go of your mistakes and failures, then learning from them, your future will be far brighter. If you refuse to let go of the past it will only serve to ensure that you regret the rest of your time too.

Everyone gets angry. I don’t think it is possible to live through your life and not feel anger at the problems you face, the injustice you see or the people who disappoint you. However, unlike the past, you can change many of the things that bring you anger. You can resolve a problem, fight injustice and resolve issues with others. However, for the times where you are not able to change the situation, anger will weigh you down like an anchor. One way I found of letting go of anger is to simply take a step back. Consider your situation; is it worth so much anger which harms your health? I used to play video games constantly, to lose or to struggle made me frustrated. I became so angry that I caused my own headaches. I was advised not to “just calm down” or to stop playing but to think about the situation. Why was I getting angry? Was it worth being angry about, to lose at a game? It wasn’t and ever since that time I turned myself around and started to enjoy playing again.

These things that we cling to in hopes of creating a better future only serve to harm it. By spending our life worrying about the failures of the past we neglect the present. What matters is now and what you do with the time you have. Break the chains that are regret, worry and stress to confidently stride towards your future. Let go of whatever holds you back from happiness and hold on to the things that bring it. Live your life better; live the let go life.

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