Happiness is a state of being happy. It is a positive emotion connected with contentment, compassion, joy, inner peace, jolliness, gladness and a lot of more. It comes from within and not from your surroundings.

Inner happiness brings joy while happiness from the outside is just temporary.

With the advent of technology and massive of data and information over social media and other apps, a lot of people nowadays became weary, lonely, and seek for happiness in life.  Happiness in life can only be found within your own self. And you alone can filled it with your inner desire and with your willingness to cooperate with your spirit.

God or the universe wants us to be happy daily. But in some point of time when we experience down time, we failed to attain happiness we truly desire.

The good news is with some other skills like resilience, faith, love, and patience you can learn how to be happy.

How to be really Happy in Life?

To attain happiness in life, we have listed the top 40 ways how to be happy. We created to make it short to make you happier in cultivating it within yourself.

1.) Know the source of sadness – Knowing why you are lonely is one thing you should and must know. In life it is ok to be sad sometimes but being sad for a long time can lead you to depression. So your assignment now is to know what is the cause of your sadness. Once you know it, try to write it and throw it to a garbage bin. Learn to rewire your thought by.

2.) Change your thought – Changing your thought can help you to reflect the other side of the world. Sometimes we dwell too much to what has been failed or we focus too much on problem. Try to change your channel to positive and happy thoughts. This will give you a better thinking the beauty and good side of life. If you are strong in spiritual life, make God bigger than your problem. 

3.) Change your Focus – Focus on happiness and goodness! Trying to focus on areas you cannot change will just make you feel bitter. Reverse it with greatness, compassion, and gladness.

4.) Listen to a good music – Listen to a lively and inspiring song.  It will surely enter into your being. It is proven effective that hearing music can heal wounds and pains. Worship songs and positive and happy songs will surely give you a good vibes in due time.

5.) Practice MindfulnessMindfulness is one of the effective way of curing emotions. Being mindful means you are focus on the present moment. It is gift, enjoy it. Being mindful meaning you are giving attention to the present moment without judging any thought. 

6.) Let GoLet go of the painful experiences whatever it is. Break it! Letting go is not easy at first. But to be able for you to be filled up with good things in life, let learn to let go and let God.

7.) Let God – God as a source of every good things. Surrender it to Him and be free through prayer and reading the bible. God is love, He loves you!

8.) Love yourself – Loving yourself is the deepest and greatest gift of all. It is not an act of selfishness, it is one way of pouring good things in your life. Remember you cannot give what you do not have. So learn to pour more love to yourself.

9.) Do some volunteerism – Give your time to others unconditionally. It is a good way for you to socialise and give something to others through volunteerism. It is not only good for your soul but also building a good feelings within yourself.

10.) Write anything – It is also proven that writing can release negative emotion. When you write you relaeses the tention within you. Once you are than writing, throw it. This will help you to forget your bad experience.

11.) Cry – Crying is one way to calm your heart. It makes you relax and sometimes after you cry you feel sleepy. It gives you comfort and joy after.

12.) Meditate – Meditation can be a prayer, reading a bible verses, yoga, and deep breathing. This will give you rest over your mind and be peaceful.

13.) Experience Gratitude – Being thankful of all blessings you have can replace all the negative experience you have. Journal all the simplest and smallest things pr gift you have. This willcover up everything and you will realize how great and good you are.

14.) Know your value – Knowing your value will keep you persevere in life. It will give you  the positive energy that will give yourself sense of achievement

15.) Have a list of Sense of Achievement (SOA) – Listing your progress day by day will keep you moving forward. It will train your mind to be more positive in life and have a felling of achievement. Achievement makes a person valuable.

16.) Be busy – Look into something you love which will make you feel busy. Making your moment busy will help your mind to forget your bitterness and it will transform you into a happier you.

17.) Play with Kids – This is the best experience I had before. It makes me feel younger. As I observe kids, I feel how innocent they are and how they are carefree about life. With that feeling, I feel contented of what I have and removes my worries in life.

18.) Do Not Worry – Worrying can be a source of sadness. You will hear many times seomebody will say, “Don’t worry, Be Happy!”. 

19.) Have Faith – Having faith can move mountain. It is written in the Holy Bible that small faith like a mustard seed can change anything. If you have a Bible read it aloud in yourself all the good news about life. It will change anything for good.

20.) Set a realistic and meaningful goal – Setting goal will help you move forward and create a meaningful life.

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