Stress, problems, difficulties and disappointments. Life is full of these kinds of things. They are unavoidable in our day to day lives and everyone will experience them no matter what is your position. What defines us is not by how many problems we have but the ways in which we deal with them. You could let them drive you to depression, to make you angry or to give up. But why would you? Life is so much better, when you take it easy.

One of the best ways to deal with a problem on any scale is to take a step back. Consider your issue and what it would take to fix it. Think about why you have this issue and how important it actually is. I find that in my life most of my problems actually aren’t such a big deal. Being tired, not enjoying my work or dealing with something that I own breaking. None of these things are worth stressing over and damaging your own health. There is a bright side to every situation, whether it is hard to find or not. By accepting that something is the new status quo or just how it is, you take away its power to harm you. Take it easy and focus on the things you love.

Of course, there are the big problems. Ones that cannot be fixed or will take a long time to resolve. But, even these issues are possible to deal with in some capacity. In order to make it through to the other side intact and to not let a problem break you, you must remain calm and relaxed. Stressing out or getting angry never solves anything and more often than not, just makes it more difficult to deal with something. I have found that when I have had incredibly difficult situations, the more I stressed and worried, the harder it got to work on a solution. But, by beginning to take it easy, I found that with a clearer mind I was able to develop more solutions and at the same time, allowed myself to feel better.

Now you may be wondering, “take it easy” that’s easy to say but harder to do. I agree, it always is but it starts by making a conscious decision to push away bad thoughts and focus on the positives. It won’t happen immediately and won’t work 100% of the time but it will make you feel better and improve your life. One absolutely amazing technique for dealing with stress I found was to meditate. There are apps you can download on your phone to deal with stress even whilst outside. By following the breathing exercises and focusing on calming down, it can give you the space within your mind to find a solution or at least to finish what you are doing and get back home.

Life is better when you take it easy and you will absolutely not regret at least trying. Give it a go and learn to let go  and see how it impacts your daily life. Try mediation or mindfulness with an open mind and allow yourself to feel happier despite any problems going on in your life.

Life is beautiful and great.

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