Do you remember the day you got the job you are doing now? Do you remember the feeling when you got it? Close your eyes and try to relive it! You were probably very excited, joyful and impatient to brag about it in front of your friends. I know I am! But after the initial enthusiasm the next stage is reality. Although you still enjoy doing your job, you are beginning to notice difficulties. Deadlines become impossible to do and the phone rings just in time when you leave the office. At first, you’ve been working harder to keep up, and now to keep in track with your colleagues!

Staying long at work after the working hours can be frustrating. It’s reasonable to think that you could do better in some other company with some other job. Maybe you could. But it’s important to find out are you currently unsatisfied or it’s only bad time at the office. In business, as well as in love, it’s important to keep the initial passion. To go back to the first stage of enthusiasm and to remind yourself what was the reason you fall in love with your work in the first place.

Maybe this 5 ways will help you to restore an old love:

  1. Socializing with colleagues

Healthy work environment can affect our happiness from the beginning of the day. We can not influence of what kind of colleagues we have but we can focus on the positive ones. Jokes, laughter and socializing before the working day will have a positive impact on your work.

  1. Do not skip the lunch break

Only enough energy and proteins can keep your brain active and positive all day long. It is difficult to keep focus for a long time, so it is very important to have a healthy lunch and break for a few minutes so that we can end our work day without stress.

  1. Organize your work space

Step away from the uniformity and give to your workspace a personal touch (office supplies, lamp, flowers, family pictures). Turn it into an inspirational and personalized place to work. Your work is the place where you spend most of your time so you should feel more comfortable.

  1. Focus on the benefits you get from work

Even in the best jobs there are tasks that no one likes. Do them first, you will embellish to yourself the rest of the day! Think of how much experience you are getting from this job and the opportunity you get to work with these people. How much you learned from the beginning till now.

  1. Get up earlier to be more creative

This means that you have a little time to yourself between the alarm and the arrival at work. The peace that governs in your home will help you to get full energy into your workplace. Decide to have a productive and stimulating day!

Important thing to remember: No job is easy! If you want to be successful you should work hard, but still to know that job is not the most important thing in life. As long as your sacrifice and dedication pays off, and as long as you are treated with respect – stick to it! Somebody will notice and you will be rewarded. In this work period of mine, I think the last thing on the list I need to practice the most – to get up earlier! Because, sometimes when I do, my day is more productive and I get to do everything I planned!

Do you have any suggestions to add on how to fall in love with your work again? Please share.

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