So, you really want to be a successful vlogger! Out of that desire is a dream you want to achieve. Perhaps, you saw a celebrity who are earning a lot of money on Youtube. Or maybe your neighbour or relative is a vlogger. Possibly, you saw it in one of the videos on Youtube that there are many vloggers who became millionaire.

The best thing you need to consider in creating your successful Youtube channel is asking why. Why do you want to be a successful vlogger? What is something that is in you that totally will make a difference online? What is the gift that you possess that you can share to the world that will make other people’s lives valuable.

Those are things you need to consider.

Another thing that you need to consider on your channel is if it is informative (educational) or entertaining. Those are the two categories on which your channel will do once you created your channel.

Moreover, I have listed below the most important things you need to do with your videos on Youtube. Those are the lessons I learned and lessons I got from different well known Youtube vlogger online such as Nas Daily and Mr Beast during their interviews.

1.) Add Value to Others – Adding value to others means you are part of making this world a better place to live. That is the primary reason why you will gain more subscribers because your audience love your content very much. When you continuously add value to them, their lives will surely change. Your audience will have a valuable life and your life will be more valuable too. So, it is a win-win situation.

2.) Have an Interesting Content – The more you created an interesting stories, videos, and information, the more your viewers will be hooked to your channel. It is your competitive advantage with others. Yourself and your channel will surely be more interesting to follow and watch.

3.) Videos Should be Creative – Being a Youtube vlogger, your videos should be creative. Because Youtube is a business, your primary product is your creativity. With your creativity you will encompass art into your craft in video creation.

4.) You Should be Original and Unique – There is a DNA to each one of us especially the way we think. God created everyone unique. I believe there is something good that is in you that our world needs. The more genuine your content, the better! It will be your asset to entertain and to teach everyone online.

5.) Less is More – Instagram reel and Tiktok promotes short video. Now that Youtube is evolving now and it has video shorts. Nas Daily pioneers 1 minute video. That will be good way for Youtube to put ads and a good way for content creator like you to gain more audience views and subscribers.

6.) Consistency – You need to be consistent in uploading your video. Aside from your hard work, Youtube is helping you and suggesting your videos to a wider audience. But to be able for your channel to grow, you need to upload videos continually in a consistent way. This will enable your audience to

There is a real money online and earning money on Youtube is one of the ways you can generate your passive income.

If you want to learn more things on Youtube just comment down below what are the questions you want to learn.

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