Earning money online is one way you can earn passive income for 2022. Yes! That is real. I do not believe at first that I can earn dollars online. But when I decided to write stories, articles, and my experiences, it gives me faith to pursue a life where I do not have a boss. A life where no one will shout and scold me when I commit a mistake.

When I experienced my first pain in corporate job in Singapore. I decided to work full time online. I believe that there is real treasure on it.

Actually, I created my first blog site way back 2012. But I stopped because I prioritise my work. That time also, I do not have Google AdSense.

When I used WordPress as a tool for this blog and registered a domain, I was in goosebumps on how much money I can earn online when my Google AdSense has been approved.

Primarily, the only thing that I am earning now came from Google AdSense. It is pretty cool because my web traffic is increasing. As my website traffic goes up, my earning goes up as well.

At first, I am just curious of Peng Joon’s life when he created his book, “Build a Money Machine”. Similarly, I got this passion of writing as a tool to influence, to teach, and share positive news that will help a lot of people worldwide. It gives me freedom as well!

Based on my experience, having a blog like this can be one of your alternatives to escape the 9-5 jobs. It will be hard at first, but it will be rewarding in the future. Before I left my work in Singapore, I make it sure that I have money to pay my daily expenses and bank loan to pay my debt.

I am recommending blogging as a source of money making for the year 2022.

If you are interested you can comment down below so that I can teach you the step-by-step way to earn your first passive income over the internet.

Thank you and all the best in life!

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