This is the best principle that I found in the Bible; “The Kingdom of God is In You”. I asked why there are so much belief and religions all over the world. Even in Christianity, every denomination is different and some of them are in quarrel that they are all right and this is what we believe. I had an experience that some of my friends and other strangers are pushing me to attend their church because they are right.
Priest, pastors, and other religious leaders (some of them) are against with each other. But they are all preaching and declaring God. Deep inside of me gets confused of what they believe [They are totally against each other while the BIBLE is saying to LOVE one ANOTHER].
So I read and read my own Bible. I attended the church that taught me the love of God.
Then I found the bible verse below. It is only God can save you from everything, no religion will ever satisfy nor any creation. ONLY your CREATOR.
I focus now on GOD and not the CHAOS of this WORLD nor the world of OTHERS.
Luke 17:21 NKJV
“21 nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you.”

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