A young girl once asked me why it seems as if ungodly people prosper more than Christians do. The question left me with a lot of thoughts in my mind as I searched the scripture to find whether it was true. At the same time, I looked at society to see whether the claims were valid. I pose the question to you too: Why do non-believers seem to prosper more than believers?

Coming to wealth, nobody wishes to live in poverty and want. We as humankind desire the best life on earth. Some Christians never get to attain wealth or prosperity in their lifetime. I believe it is God’s will for everyone to prosper but in the right way. To God, the means to attain wealth is essential too.

Let us look at how we acquire wealth the Godly way.

Let us look at God’s chosen people in scripture, Israel. God promised Abraham that his descendants would be numerous and prosperous. God told Israel that it is He who gives them the power to acquire wealth. (Deut 8:18) This meant that without God, their efforts were in vain. One of the sure ways that God’s chosen people would be wealthy was by keeping God’s commands.

Today as believers, we should understand that God values work. Work should be done in integrity. God desires that we as His people work hard just like He worked to create the earth. For this reason, He has given us time. We all have time to better our lives here on earth. Here is an interesting bit; God gives rain to both the righteous and the wicked. We are all placed on the same pedestal. 

In working hard, God will bless the works of our hands. It is a process we have to go through. God wishes that we be able to handle whatever comes our way. Most people acquire wealth spontaneously only to waste it. Our God knows our ability to handle anything, so he first prepares us before giving us.

Also, as believers, we should consistently seek God and know His will concerning our lives. Scripture says that the Lord will perfect that which concerns our lives. (Psalm 138:8) This means that God is undoubtedly concerned about our well being and will do His best as a Father to satisfy our needs.

Consider this; God’s blessings are not limited to worldly wealth, and poverty is not a sign of God’s disapproval. In saying this, however, let us work hard and maintain integrity in seeking to better our lives, and God will surely bless the work of our hands.

Are you inspired to attain Godly wealth? 

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