I had a meeting with my mental coach last time and he talks about a sponge which I realize that there is really a wisdom on it. That is the thing that we will going to talk about on this article.

I have this mentality that every time I am experiencing difficulty and negativity, my mind tends to go down. According to my doctor in Singapore, this is because of the traumas I had when I was a kid up to this time. There are more negative memories on my memory bank.

During the time that I had my coaching, the therapist told me about a sponge. This is because, I asked him when I feel that my mind is squeezing tightly, I became forgetful. I tend to think negatively. My mind swings down.

He illustrated a sponge that we normally use every time we wash our dishes. He explained to me that a closed mind and stressful mind normally forgets and having hard time to think. This is because of the tension. Like sponge, if it is totally squeezed, it cannot absorb more but when your mind is relaxed and peaceful it operates well and be more open-minded for improvements and more positive in life.

This reminds me of the book of Norman Vincent Peale, “The Power of Positive Thinking”. On this book he narrated and tells the story of people who are narrow minded. They tend to look on the problem rather than the solution.

As I learn and observe life, it teaches me also that poor people have more negative habits that are totally do not add value to their lives such as drinking alcohol, smoking and having some other forms of vices. Unlike rich people they add value to their lives and focus on good habits of adding more investments to their assets.

Moral lesson of this story is no matter how hard life is, I believe that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. Like the sponge, we should relax and rest from time to time to enjoy life.

Life is a gift from God, so we need to enjoy and create the best life we want to live.

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