Squid Game Season 2 in Netflix is the most awaited moment for the fans and whole wide world. The director of this Netflix Series, Hwang Dong Yuk, confirmed for the Season 2.

“There’s been a lot demand and pressure and love for a second season,” he said. “The next season is in my head right now. At this moment, I’m in the planning stages. It’s too early to say when and how it will come out though. But I can promise this. The main character, Gi Hun, will be back and do something for the world.

He and the main casts are currently in the USA for the Netflix promotional activities.

The release of Season 2 has not been finalised yet but the director mentioned it will be soon.

Meanwhile in the previous interview of the director he mentioned that he is planning first for the movie.

Squid Game fanatics are very excited for what would be the plot on this coming season. How Gi-Hun will spend his prize money? Who will be the live characters included? Are there still games? If yes, will all the games on Season be included?

Based on a Korean article, the director said that he will consider Dong, Dong, Dongdaemun (much like the West’s London Bridge Is Falling Down, players form a gate with their hands and catch a player when the song ends), and one called Why Did You Come to My House? (a game similar to Red Rover, where players form a line by holding hands and others try to break through the line).

According to CNET.com, Whatever games are chosen, a second season almost certainly wouldn’t repeat those from season 1 — the surprise of learning the new game was a big part of each episode.

Let’s all be excited for this coming Squid Game Season!

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