There is a price attached to many things in life. An athlete has to change their diet and do extensive practice among other things. The reason behind this is to make the athlete well prepared and conditioned for any race they choose to run. An unprepared athlete never wins any race.

Being a follower of Christ is also costly. Jesus himself taught that anyone that wishes to follow him must deny themselves, and take up their cross. (Matt. 16:24) Nothing good or precious comes easy, otherwise, it would not be valued.

Some people may be disowned by their families for choosing to become Christians. Such is a painful and heavy price to pay for the sake of Christ. What would you do if your family disowned you because of your faith in God? Would you still continue trusting God? Is it worth losing your family for the sake of Christ?

You may also lose friends and companions. Again, being a follower of Christ may affect your circle of friends. Some of the people you held dear in your heart may turn against you because of what you believe in. Some may begin backbiting and mistreating you. While others may shut you out completely. 

Here is the good news: Jesus taught that blessed are those who suffer persecution for his sake. (Matt. 5:11-12) Your reward in heaven will be great. That is one reason to continue hoping and trusting in God.

Consider John and James the disciples. They asked Jesus for a favor that they get to sit on his right and left side when he is in heaven. Jesus asked them, “Can you drink from the cup I am going to drink?”(Matt. 20:22-23) and they replied that they were ready. The two suffered intense persecution for the sake of Christ. John was placed in boiling oil but he did not die. Eventually, he was sent to the Island of Patmos.

However, being a follower of Christ has it’s own advantages too. First, we have an assurance of eternity. The late boxer Muhammad Ali explained the concept of eternity in a unique way. He said that eternity is like the sand on a beach, where each grain represents a thousand years. We have been given a way out of suffering through eternal salvation.

Secondly, being a disciple makes us solution givers to this wicked world. How is possible? Well, in your career, school, ministry or business, you are an ambassador. Never undermine the power that is within you.

You can change the world from that current position you are in because God’s power flows from within you.

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