Your life is a result of many choices and it is always based on your belief. That belief system has a great impact and power into your life.

In making decision, there is only one choice you can do in every situation. Your emotion cannot be both happy and sad. You can choose to be happy or choose to be sad. With your awareness or consciousness, you have the power of choice in any given circumstance. I recommend you to choose the right, good, truth, and positive one.

How can I choose?

Choices in life needs prudence and wisdom. Being prudent you are careful with every decision you make. As a worker, leader, businessman, or whatever profession you are into, being wise in everything is the most important thing to consider.

In Proverbs 4:7 (NKJV), it says,

“Wisdom is the principal thing;
Therefore get wisdom.
And in all your getting, get understanding.”

As you can see on that Bible verse from Proverbs, God wants you to be prudent and wise. That should be the effective way to decide in everything that you will do. Once you study and carefully check everything you can easily decide for it. Remember to include peace when you decide. If there is an absence of peace, it will not be from God.

How does belief system affects your Life?

Before I became a born-again Christian, my mind is in chaos. I always overthink and there is no peace in my emotion and in my thoughts. I am always in doubt and cannot decide in my life endeavour.

Whether you are a Muslim, a Christian, an atheist, or being a member of any religious organization in your nation or in the world you are involved with, you need to practice awareness by being always in present or what we call “mindfulness”. God is in present.

You need to ask the most powerful question, “WHY?”. Why I am thinking this? Why I decided to do this? Why I have this emotion? You need to ask and the best answer will be yours.

In my life, there are moment that I am fearful for nothing and I am lonely for nothing. When I asked WHY and there is no reason for that emotion, I just let go. Letting go can help you attain more peace with yourself and your present condition.

Moreover, as a child, I inherited believing on superstitious belief of my parents and our community. If you are a Filipino, you will relate on what I am talking about. With that, I became limited because majority of the belief I got has no validation. That was the old ways of my thinking. I normally follow the crowd without validation or checking “Why?”. I performed rituals in my former church because it was the habit of the majority of church goers. That build guilt to myself when I cannot go or do not do the ritual.

As I learn to read Bible and focuses primarily on Proverbs and the word of God, my mind becomes clearer every day. I become more open for possibilities and opportunities in life; I am bolder. I become more hungry to study the word of God and practice the practical teachings in the Bible. I become more rational and weigh everything before I decide and practice faith.

Studying the word of God will eliminate foolishness and thoughts that will not really help you. It gives me more wisdom also in managing money and other resources that God has entrusted me.

Money is one of the controversial topic online and in every human conversation. But money should not be neglected because it is important in our day to day living on Earth. I trust God over money, but when God entrusted wealth to you, God will give ways on how you handle it.

It is stated on Proverbs 10:22.

“The Blessing of the Lord makes one rich.
And He adds no sorrow with it”.

With that verse, there is no reason for you to be fearful if you want to be rich. Actually the whole Bible has a message saying to God’s people not to be fear; to have faith. Even the time of Jesus, He is imparting to His disciples to have faith and to have peace and reminding that God is always present in every situation of their lives.

If you decided to be aware, your belief system will surely change and your decision making of being wise can be practiced every day. With that you can build your life full of love, joy, peace, and prosperity.

Be blessed!

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